Measuring and Preventing Supply Chain Attacks on Package Managers

by   Ruian Duan, et al.

Package managers have become a vital part of the modern software development process. They allow developers to reuse third-party code, share their own code, minimize their codebase, and simplify the build process. However, recent reports showed that hundreds of malware have sneaked into package managers, which have been downloaded millions of times, posing significant security risks to developers as well as end-users. For example, eslint-scope, a package with millions of weekly downloads in Npm, was compromised to steal credentials from developers. To understand the attacks on package managers and the misplaced trust that makes them possible, we propose a comparative framework to study the package managers for interpreted languages. By systematically analyzing the recent attacks using our framework, we can identify security gaps and broken trust in the package manager ecosystem. Based on these insights, we propose and implement a vetting pipeline, MalOSS, to perform metadata, static and dynamic analysis on packages and flag the suspicious ones. Through iterative labeling, we identified and reported 339 malware to package manager maintainers. 278 (82 percent) of them have been confirmed and removed, and 3 of them with more than 100,000 downloads have been assigned CVEs. To help secure the ecosystem, we propose actionable security improvements for package manager maintainers and suggestions for other stakeholders.


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