Maximum Likelihood Detection in a Four-Dimensional Stokes-Space Receiver

by   Amir Tasbihi, et al.

The maximum likelihood detection rule for a four-dimensional direct-detection optical front-end is derived. The four dimensions are two intensities and two differential phases. Three different signal processing algorithms, composed of symbol-by-symbol, sequence and successive detection, are discussed. To remedy dealing with special functions in the detection rules, an approximation for high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) is provided. Simulation results show that, despite the simpler structure of the successive algorithm, the resulting performance loss, in comparison with the other two algorithms, is negligible. For example, for an 8-ring/8-ary phase constellation, the complexity of detection reduces by a factor of 8, while the performance, in terms of the symbol error rate, degrades by 0.5 dB. It is shown that the high-SNR approximation is very accurate, even at low SNRs. The achievable rates for different constellations are computed and compared by the Monte Carlo method. For example, for a 4-ring/8-ary phase constellation, the achievable rate is 10 bits per channel use at an SNR of 25 dB, while by using an 8-ring/8-ary phase constellation and an error correcting code of rate 5/6, this rate is achieved at an SNR of 20 dB.


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