Material-agnostic Shaping of Granular Materials with Optimal Transport

by   Nikhilesh Alatur, et al.

From construction materials, such as sand or asphalt, to kitchen ingredients, like rice, sugar, or salt; the world is full of granular materials. Despite impressive progress in robotic manipulation, manipulating and interacting with granular material remains a challenge due to difficulties in perceiving, representing, modelling, and planning for these variable materials that have complex internal dynamics. While some prior work has looked into estimating or learning accurate dynamics models for granular materials, the literature is still missing a more abstract planning method that can be used for planning manipulation actions for granular materials with unknown material properties. In this work, we leverage tools from optimal transport and connect them to robot motion planning. We propose a heuristics-based sweep planner that does not require knowledge of the material's properties and directly uses a height map representation to generate promising sweeps. These sweeps transform granular material from arbitrary start shapes into arbitrary target shapes. We apply the sweep planner in a fast and reactive feedback loop and avoid the need for model-based planning over multiple time steps. We validate our approach with a large set of simulation and hardware experiments where we show that our method is capable of efficiently solving several complex tasks, including gathering, separating, and shaping of several types of granular materials into different target shapes.


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