Markov Processes in Blockchain Systems

by   Quan-Lin Li, et al.

In this paper, we develop a more general framework of block-structured Markov processes in the queueing study of blockchain systems, which can provide analysis both for the stationary performance measures and for the sojourn times of any transaction and block. Note that an original aim of this paper is to generalize the two-stage batch-service queueing model studied in Li et al. Li:2018 both "from exponential to phase-type" service times and "from Poisson to MAP" transaction arrivals. In general, the MAP transaction arrivals and the two stages of PH service times make our blockchain queue more suitable to various practical conditions of blockchain systems with crucial random factors, for example, the mining processes, the block-generations, the blockchain-building and so forth. For such a more general blockchain queueing model, we focus on two basic research aspects: (1) By using the matrix-geometric solution, we first obtain a sufficient stable condition of the blockchain system. Then we provide simple expressions for the average number of transactions in the queueing waiting room, and the average number of transactions in the block. (2) However, comparing with Li et al. Li:2018, analysis of the transaction-confirmation time becomes very difficult and challenging due to the complicated blockchain structure. To overcome the difficulties, we develop a computational technique of the first passage times by means of both the PH distributions of infinite sizes and the RG-factorizations. Finally, we hope that the methodology and results given in this paper will open a new avenue to queueing analysis of more general blockchain systems in practice, and can motivate a series of promising future research on development of lockchain technologies.


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