Making Data Tangible: A Cross-disciplinary Design Space for Data Physicalization
Designing a data physicalization requires a myriad of different considerations. Despite the cross-disciplinary nature of these considerations, research currently lacks a synthesis across the different communities data physicalization sits upon, including their approaches, theories, and even terminologies. To bridge these communities synergistically, we present a design space that describes and analyzes physicalizations according to three facets: context (end-user considerations), structure (the physical structure of the artifact), and interactions (interactions with both the artifact and data). We construct this design space through a systematic review of 47 physicalizations and analyze the interrelationships of key factors when designing a physicalization. This design space cross-pollinates knowledge from relevant HCI communities, providing a cohesive overview of what designers should consider when creating a data physicalization while suggesting new design possibilities. We analyze the design decisions present in current physicalizations, discuss emerging trends, and identify underlying open challenges.