Macroscopic Control of Text Generation for Image Captioning

by   Zhangzi Zhu, et al.

Despite the fact that image captioning models have been able to generate impressive descriptions for a given image, challenges remain: (1) the controllability and diversity of existing models are still far from satisfactory; (2) models sometimes may produce extremely poor-quality captions. In this paper, two novel methods are introduced to solve the problems respectively. Specifically, for the former problem, we introduce a control signal which can control the macroscopic sentence attributes, such as sentence quality, sentence length, sentence tense and number of nouns etc. With such a control signal, the controllability and diversity of existing captioning models are enhanced. For the latter problem, we innovatively propose a strategy that an image-text matching model is trained to measure the quality of sentences generated in both forward and backward directions and finally choose the better one. As a result, this strategy can effectively reduce the proportion of poorquality sentences. Our proposed methods can be easily applie on most image captioning models to improve their overall performance. Based on the Up-Down model, the experimental results show that our methods achieve BLEU- 4/CIDEr/SPICE scores of 37.5/120.3/21.5 on MSCOCO Karpathy test split with cross-entropy training, which surpass the results of other state-of-the-art methods trained by cross-entropy loss.


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