Machine Learning for Sensor Transducer Conversion Routines

by   Thomas Newton, et al.

Sensors with digital outputs require software conversion routines to transform the unitless ADC samples to physical quantities with the correct units. These conversion routines are computationally complex given the limited computational resources of low-power embedded systems. This article presents a set of machine learning methods to learn new, less-complex conversion routines that do not sacrifice accuracy for the BME680 environmental sensor. We present a Pareto analysis of the tradeoff between accuracy and computational overhead for the models and present models that reduce the computational overhead of the existing industry-standard conversion routines for temperature, pressure, and humidity by 62 these methods are 0.0114 ^∘C, 0.0280 KPa, and 0.0337 show that machine learning methods for learning conversion routines can produce conversion routines with reduced computational overhead while maintaining good accuracy.


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