Machine learning applications to DNA subsequence and restriction site analysis

by   Ethan J. Moyer, et al.

Based on the BioBricks standard, restriction synthesis is a novel catabolic iterative DNA synthesis method that utilizes endonucleases to synthesize a query sequence from a reference sequence. In this work, the reference sequence is built from shorter subsequences by classifying them as applicable or inapplicable for the synthesis method using three different machine learning methods: Support Vector Machines (SVMs), random forest, and Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs). Before applying these methods to the data, a series of feature selection, curation, and reduction steps are applied to create an accurate and representative feature space. Following these preprocessing steps, three different pipelines are proposed to classify subsequences based on their nucleotide sequence and other relevant features corresponding to the restriction sites of over 200 endonucleases. The sensitivity using SVMs, random forest, and CNNs are 94.9 scores lower in specificity with SVMs, random forest, and CNNs resulting in 77.4 the misclassifications in SVMs and CNNs are investigated. Across these two models, different features with a derived nucleotide specificity visually contribute more to classification compared to other features. This observation is an important factor when considering new nucleotide sensitivity features for future studies.


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