Low-Degree Hardness of Random Optimization Problems

by   David Gamarnik, et al.

We consider the problem of finding nearly optimal solutions of optimization problems with random objective functions. Such problems arise widely in the theory of random graphs, theoretical computer science, and statistical physics. Two concrete problems we consider are (a) optimizing the Hamiltonian of a spherical or Ising p-spin glass model, and (b) finding a large independent set in a sparse Erdos-Renyi graph. Two families of algorithms are considered: (a) low-degree polynomials of the input—a general framework that captures methods such as approximate message passing and local algorithms on sparse graphs, among others; and (b) the Langevin dynamics algorithm, a canonical Monte Carlo analogue of the gradient descent algorithm (applicable only for the spherical p-spin glass Hamiltonian). We show that neither family of algorithms can produce nearly optimal solutions with high probability. Our proof uses the fact that both models are known to exhibit a variant of the overlap gap property (OGP) of near-optimal solutions. Specifically, for both models, every two solutions whose objectives are above a certain threshold are either close or far from each other. The crux of our proof is the stability of both algorithms: a small perturbation of the input induces a small perturbation of the output. By an interpolation argument, such a stable algorithm cannot overcome the OGP barrier. The stability of the Langevin dynamics is an immediate consequence of the well-posedness of stochastic differential equations. The stability of low-degree polynomials is established using concepts from Gaussian and Boolean Fourier analysis, including noise sensitivity, hypercontractivity, and total influence.


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