Longitudinal Data Clustering with a Copula Kernel Mixture Model

by   Xi Zhang, et al.

Many common clustering methods cannot be used for clustering multivariate longitudinal data in cases where variables exhibit high autocorrelations. In this article, a copula kernel mixture model (CKMM) is proposed for clustering data of this type. The CKMM is a finite mixture model which decomposes each mixture component's joint density function into its copula and marginal distribution functions. In this decomposition, the Gaussian copula is used due to its mathematical tractability and Gaussian kernel functions are used to estimate the marginal distributions. A generalized expectation-maximization algorithm is used to estimate the model parameters. The performance of the proposed model is assessed in a simulation study and on two real datasets. The proposed model is shown to have effective performance in comparison to standard methods, such as K-means with dynamic time warping clustering and latent growth models.


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