Listing, Verifying and Counting Lowest Common Ancestors in DAGs: Algorithms and Fine-Grained Lower Bounds

by   Surya Mathialagan, et al.

The AP-LCA problem asks, given an n-node directed acyclic graph (DAG), to compute for every pair of vertices u and v in the DAG a lowest common ancestor (LCA) of u and v if one exists. In this paper we study several interesting variants of AP-LCA, providing both algorithms and fine-grained lower bounds for them. The lower bounds we obtain are the first conditional lower bounds for LCA problems higher than n^ω-o(1), where ω is the matrix multiplication exponent. Some of our results include: - In any DAG, we can detect all vertex pairs that have at most two LCAs and list all of their LCAs in O(n^ω) time. This algorithm extends a result of [Kowaluk and Lingas ESA'07] which showed an Õ(n^ω) time algorithm that detects all pairs with a unique LCA in a DAG and outputs their corresponding LCAs. - Listing 7 LCAs per vertex pair in DAGs requires n^3-o(1) time under the popular assumption that 3-uniform 5-hyperclique detection requires n^5-o(1) time. This is surprising since essentially cubic time is sufficient to list all LCAs (if ω=2). - Counting the number of LCAs for every vertex pair in a DAG requires n^3-o(1) time under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis, and n^ω(1,2,1)-o(1) time under the 4-Clique hypothesis. This shows that the algorithm of [Echkardt, Mühling and Nowak ESA'07] for listing all LCAs for every pair of vertices is likely optimal. - Given a DAG and a vertex w_u,v for every vertex pair u,v, verifying whether all w_u,v are valid LCAs requires n^2.5-o(1) time assuming 3-uniform 4-hyperclique requires n^4 - o(1) time. This defies the common intuition that verification is easier than computation since returning some LCA per vertex pair can be solved in O(n^2.447) time [Grandoni et al. SODA'21].


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