Links Assignment Scheme based on Potential Edges Importance in Dual-layer Wavelength Routing Optical Satellite Networks

by   Jingkai Yang, et al.

With the development of the massive satellite constellation and the on-orbit laser-based communication equipment, the wavelength routing optical satellite network (WROSN) becomes a potential solution for on-orbit, high-capacity, and high-speed communication. Since the inter-satellite links (ISLs) are time-varying, one of the fundamental considerations in the construction of the WROSN is assigning limited laser communication terminals for each satellite to establish ISLs with the visible satellites. Therefore, we propose a links assignment scheme (LAS) based on the potential edges importance matrix (PEIM) algorithm to construct a temporarily stable topology of the ISLs for a dual-layer constellation. The simulation results showed that the LAS based on the PEIM algorithm is better than LAS based on the random or Greedy algorithm in terms of node-to-node distance, node pair connectivity, wavelength demand, and transmission delay. The node pair connectivity and wavelength demand in WROSN is a trade-off problem. The research in this paper also brings a novel method for reduction of the cost of the on-board resources, that is through designing topology of the ISLs with links assignment algorithm.


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