Lifelong Machine Learning Potentials

by   Marco Eckhoff, et al.

Machine learning potentials (MLPs) trained on accurate quantum chemical data can retain the high accuracy, while inflicting little computational demands. On the downside, they need to be trained for each individual system. In recent years, a vast number of MLPs has been trained from scratch because learning additional data typically requires to train again on all data to not forget previously acquired knowledge. Additionally, most common structural descriptors of MLPs cannot represent efficiently a large number of different chemical elements. In this work, we tackle these problems by introducing element-embracing atom-centered symmetry functions (eeACSFs) which combine structural properties and element information from the periodic table. These eeACSFs are a key for our development of a lifelong machine learning potential (lMLP). Uncertainty quantification can be exploited to transgress a fixed, pre-trained MLP to arrive at a continuously adapting lMLP, because a predefined level of accuracy can be ensured. To extend the applicability of an lMLP to new systems, we apply continual learning strategies to enable autonomous and on-the-fly training on a continuous stream of new data. For the training of deep neural networks, we propose the continual resilient (CoRe) optimizer and incremental learning strategies relying on rehearsal of data, regularization of parameters, and the architecture of the model.


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