Libra: In-network Gradient Aggregation for Speeding up Distributed Sparse Deep Training

by   Heng Pan, et al.

Distributed sparse deep learning has been widely used in many internet-scale applications. Network communication is one of the major hurdles for the training performance. In-network gradient aggregation on programmable switches is a promising solution to speed up the performance. Nevertheless,existing in-network aggregation solutions are designed for the distributed dense deep training, and fall short when used for the sparse deep training.To address this gap, we present Libra based on our key observation of the extremely biased update frequency of parameters in distributed deep sparse training. Specifically, Libra offloads only the aggregation for "hot" parameters that are updated frequently onto programmable switches. To enable this offloading and achieve high aggregation throughput, we propose solutions to address the challenges related to hot parameter identification, parameter orchestration, floating-point summation on switches as well as system reliability. We implemented Libra on Intel Tofino switches and integrated it with PS-lite. Finally, we evaluate Libra's performance through extensive experiments and show that Libra can speed up the gradient aggregation by 1.5 4 times.


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