Lexico-semantic and affective modelling of Spanish poetry: A semi-supervised learning approach

by   Alberto Barbado, et al.

Text classification tasks have improved substantially during the last years by the usage of transformers. However, the majority of researches focus on prose texts, with poetry receiving less attention, specially for Spanish language. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised learning approach for inferring 21 psychological categories evoked by a corpus of 4572 sonnets, along with 10 affective and lexico-semantic multiclass ones. The subset of poems used for training an evaluation includes 270 sonnets. With our approach, we achieve an AUC beyond 0.7 for 76 for 60 through sentence embeddings, along with lexico-semantic and affective features, obtained by using external lexicons. Consequently, we see that this approach provides an AUC increase of up to 0.12, as opposed to using transformers alone.


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