Least Absolute Gradient Selector: Statistical Regression via Pseudo-Hard Thresholding

by   Kun Yang, et al.

Variable selection in linear models plays a pivotal role in modern statistics. Hard-thresholding methods such as l_0 regularization are theoretically ideal but computationally infeasible. In this paper, we propose a new approach, called the LAGS, short for "least absulute gradient selector", to this challenging yet interesting problem by mimicking the discrete selection process of l_0 regularization. To estimate β under the influence of noise, we consider, nevertheless, the following convex program [β̂ = arg min1/nX^T(y - Xβ)_1 + λ_n∑_i = 1^pw_i(y;X;n)|β_i|] λ_n > 0 controls the sparsity and w_i > 0 dependent on y, X and n is the weights on different β_i; n is the sample size. Surprisingly, we shall show in the paper, both geometrically and analytically, that LAGS enjoys two attractive properties: (1) LAGS demonstrates discrete selection behavior and hard thresholding property as l_0 regularization by strategically chosen w_i, we call this property "pseudo-hard thresholding"; (2) Asymptotically, LAGS is consistent and capable of discovering the true model; nonasymptotically, LAGS is capable of identifying the sparsity in the model and the prediction error of the coefficients is bounded at the noise level up to a logarithmic factor--- p, where p is the number of predictors. Computationally, LAGS can be solved efficiently by convex program routines for its convexity or by simplex algorithm after recasting it into a linear program. The numeric simulation shows that LAGS is superior compared to soft-thresholding methods in terms of mean squared error and parsimony of the model.


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