Learning Two-Layer Neural Networks, One (Giant) Step at a Time

by   Yatin Dandi, et al.

We study the training dynamics of shallow neural networks, investigating the conditions under which a limited number of large batch gradient descent steps can facilitate feature learning beyond the kernel regime. We compare the influence of batch size and that of multiple (but finitely many) steps. Our analysis of a single-step process reveals that while a batch size of n = O(d) enables feature learning, it is only adequate for learning a single direction, or a single-index model. In contrast, n = O(d^2) is essential for learning multiple directions and specialization. Moreover, we demonstrate that “hard” directions, which lack the first ℓ Hermite coefficients, remain unobserved and require a batch size of n = O(d^ℓ) for being captured by gradient descent. Upon iterating a few steps, the scenario changes: a batch-size of n = O(d) is enough to learn new target directions spanning the subspace linearly connected in the Hermite basis to the previously learned directions, thereby a staircase property. Our analysis utilizes a blend of techniques related to concentration, projection-based conditioning, and Gaussian equivalence that are of independent interest. By determining the conditions necessary for learning and specialization, our results highlight the interaction between batch size and number of iterations, and lead to a hierarchical depiction where learning performance exhibits a stairway to accuracy over time and batch size, shedding new light on feature learning in neural networks.


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