Learning to Memorize in Neural Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

by   Chien-Sheng Wu, et al.

In this thesis, we leverage the neural copy mechanism and memory-augmented neural networks (MANNs) to address existing challenge of neural task-oriented dialogue learning. We show the effectiveness of our strategy by achieving good performance in multi-domain dialogue state tracking, retrieval-based dialogue systems, and generation-based dialogue systems. We first propose a transferable dialogue state generator (TRADE) that leverages its copy mechanism to get rid of dialogue ontology and share knowledge between domains. We also evaluate unseen domain dialogue state tracking and show that TRADE enables zero-shot dialogue state tracking and can adapt to new few-shot domains without forgetting the previous domains. Second, we utilize MANNs to improve retrieval-based dialogue learning. They are able to capture dialogue sequential dependencies and memorize long-term information. We also propose a recorded delexicalization copy strategy to replace real entity values with ordered entity types. Our models are shown to surpass other retrieval baselines, especially when the conversation has a large number of turns. Lastly, we tackle generation-based dialogue learning with two proposed models, the memory-to-sequence (Mem2Seq) and global-to-local memory pointer network (GLMP). Mem2Seq is the first model to combine multi-hop memory attention with the idea of the copy mechanism. GLMP further introduces the concept of response sketching and double pointers copying. We show that GLMP achieves the state-of-the-art performance on human evaluation.


Transferable Multi-Domain State Generator for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

Over-dependence on domain ontology and lack of knowledge sharing across ...

Global-to-local Memory Pointer Networks for Task-Oriented Dialogue

End-to-end task-oriented dialogue is challenging since knowledge bases a...

A Copy-Augmented Sequence-to-Sequence Architecture Gives Good Performance on Task-Oriented Dialogue

Task-oriented dialogue focuses on conversational agents that participate...

Few-Shot Dialogue Generation Without Annotated Data: A Transfer Learning Approach

Learning with minimal data is one of the key challenges in the developme...

Prompt Learning for Few-Shot Dialogue State Tracking

Collecting dialogue state labels, slots and values, for learning dialogu...

Cross Copy Network for Dialogue Generation

In the past few years, audiences from different fields witness the achie...

Flexibly-Structured Model for Task-Oriented Dialogues

This paper proposes a novel end-to-end architecture for task-oriented di...

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