Learning to Evade Static PE Machine Learning Malware Models via Reinforcement Learning

by   Hyrum S. Anderson, et al.

Machine learning is a popular approach to signatureless malware detection because it can generalize to never-before-seen malware families and polymorphic strains. This has resulted in its practical use for either primary detection engines or for supplementary heuristic detection by anti-malware vendors. Recent work in adversarial machine learning has shown that deep learning models are susceptible to gradient-based attacks, whereas non-differentiable models that report a score can be attacked by genetic algorithms that aim to systematically reduce the score. We propose a more general framework based on reinforcement learning (RL) for attacking static portable executable (PE) anti-malware engines. The general framework does not require a differentiable model nor does it require the engine to produce a score. Instead, an RL agent is equipped with a set of functionality-preserving operations that it may perform on the PE file. Through a series of games played against the anti-malware engine, it learns which sequences of operations are likely to result in evading the detector for any given malware sample. This enables completely black-box attacks against static PE anti-malware, and produces functional evasive malware samples as a direct result. We show in experiments that our method can attack a gradient-boosted machine learning model with evasion rates that are substantial and appear to be strongly dependent on the dataset. We demonstrate that attacks against this model appear to also evade components of publicly hosted antivirus engines. Adversarial training results are also presented: by retraining the model on evasive ransomware samples, a subsequent attack is 33 to allow researchers to study evasion rates against their own machine learning models, malware samples, and their own RL agents.


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