Learning Signal Representations for EEG Cross-Subject Channel Selection and Trial Classification

by   Michela C. Massi, et al.

EEG technology finds applications in several domains. Currently, most EEG systems require subjects to wear several electrodes on the scalp to be effective. However, several channels might include noisy information, redundant signals, induce longer preparation times and increase computational times of any automated system for EEG decoding. One way to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio and improve classification accuracy is to combine channel selection with feature extraction, but EEG signals are known to present high inter-subject variability. In this work we introduce a novel algorithm for subject-independent channel selection of EEG recordings. Considering multi-channel trial recordings as statistical units and the EEG decoding task as the class of reference, the algorithm (i) exploits channel-specific 1D-Convolutional Neural Networks (1D-CNNs) as feature extractors in a supervised fashion to maximize class separability; (ii) it reduces a high dimensional multi-channel trial representation into a unique trial vector by concatenating the channels' embeddings and (iii) recovers the complex inter-channel relationships during channel selection, by exploiting an ensemble of AutoEncoders (AE) to identify from these vectors the most relevant channels to perform classification. After training, the algorithm can be exploited by transferring only the parametrized subgroup of selected channel-specific 1D-CNNs to new signals from new subjects and obtain low-dimensional and highly informative trial vectors to be fed to any classifier.


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