Learning Photography Aesthetics with Deep CNNs

by   Gautam Malu, et al.

Automatic photo aesthetic assessment is a challenging artificial intelligence task. Existing computational approaches have focused on modeling a single aesthetic score or a class (good or bad), however these do not provide any details on why the photograph is good or bad, or which attributes contribute to the quality of the photograph. To obtain both accuracy and human interpretation of the score, we advocate learning the aesthetic attributes along with the prediction of the overall score. For this purpose, we propose a novel multitask deep convolution neural network, which jointly learns eight aesthetic attributes along with the overall aesthetic score. We report near human performance in the prediction of the overall aesthetic score. To understand the internal representation of these attributes in the learned model, we also develop the visualization technique using back propagation of gradients. These visualizations highlight the important image regions for the corresponding attributes, thus providing insights about model's representation of these attributes. We showcase the diversity and complexity associated with different attributes through a qualitative analysis of the activation maps.


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