Learning from Synthetic Human Group Activities
The understanding of complex human interactions and group activities has garnered attention in human-centric computer vision. However, the advancement of the related tasks is hindered due to the difficulty of obtaining large-scale labeled real-world datasets. To mitigate the issue, we propose M3Act, a multi-view multi-group multi-person human atomic action and group activity data generator. Powered by the Unity engine, M3Act contains simulation-ready 3D scenes and human assets, configurable lighting and camera systems, highly parameterized modular group activities, and a large degree of domain randomization during the data generation process. Our data generator is capable of generating large-scale datasets of human activities with multiple viewpoints, modalities (RGB images, 2D poses, 3D motions), and high-quality annotations for individual persons and multi-person groups (2D bounding boxes, instance segmentation masks, individual actions and group activity categories). Using M3Act, we perform synthetic data pre-training for 2D skeleton-based group activity recognition and RGB-based multi-person pose tracking. The results indicate that learning from our synthetic datasets largely improves the model performances on real-world datasets, with the highest gain of 5.59 respectively in group and person recognition accuracy on CAD2, as well as an improvement of 6.63 in MOTP on HiEve. Pre-training with our synthetic data also leads to faster model convergence on downstream tasks (up to 6.8 Moreover, M3Act opens new research problems for 3D group activity generation. We release M3Act3D, an 87.6-hour 3D motion dataset of human activities with larger group sizes and higher complexity of inter-person interactions than previous multi-person datasets. We define multiple metrics and propose a competitive baseline for the novel task.