Learning Embeddings of Directed Networks with Text-Associated Nodes---with Applications in Software Package Dependency Networks

by   Shudan Zhong, et al.

A network embedding consists of a vector representation for each node in the network. Network embeddings have shown their usefulness in node classification and visualization in many real-world application domains, such as social networks and web networks. While directed networks with text associated with each node, such as citation networks and software package dependency networks, are commonplace, to the best of our knowledge, their embeddings have not been specifically studied. In this paper, we create PCTADW-1 and PCTADW-2, two algorithms based on NNs that learn embeddings of directed networks with text associated with each node. We create two new labeled directed networks with text-associated node: The package dependency networks in two popular GNU/Linux distributions, Debian and Fedora. We experimentally demonstrate that the embeddings produced by our NNs resulted in node classification with better quality than those of various baselines on these two networks. We observe that there exist systematic presence of analogies (similar to those in word embeddings) in the network embeddings of software package dependency networks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such a systematic presence of analogies is observed in network and document embeddings. This may potentially open up a new venue for better understanding networks and documents algorithmically using their embeddings as well as for better human understanding of network and document embeddings.


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