Learning Dual-Pixel Alignment for Defocus Deblurring

by   Yu Li, et al.

It is a challenging task to recover all-in-focus image from a single defocus blurry image in real-world applications. On many modern cameras, dual-pixel (DP) sensors create two-image views, based on which stereo information can be exploited to benefit defocus deblurring. Despite existing DP defocus deblurring methods achieving impressive results, they directly take naive concatenation of DP views as input, while neglecting the disparity between left and right views in the regions out of camera's depth of field (DoF). In this work, we propose a Dual-Pixel Alignment Network (DPANet) for defocus deblurring. Generally, DPANet is an encoder-decoder with skip-connections, where two branches with shared parameters in the encoder are employed to extract and align deep features from left and right views, and one decoder is adopted to fuse aligned features for predicting the all-in-focus image. Due to that DP views suffer from different blur amounts, it is not trivial to align left and right views. To this end, we propose novel encoder alignment module (EAM) and decoder alignment module (DAM). In particular, a correlation layer is suggested in EAM to measure the disparity between DP views, whose deep features can then be accordingly aligned using deformable convolutions. And DAM can further enhance the alignment of skip-connected features from encoder and deep features in decoder. By introducing several EAMs and DAMs, DP views in DPANet can be well aligned for better predicting latent all-in-focus image. Experimental results on real-world datasets show that our DPANet is notably superior to state-of-the-art deblurring methods in reducing defocus blur while recovering visually plausible sharp structures and textures.


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