Learning Adaptive Control for SE(3) Hamiltonian Dynamics

by   Thai Duong, et al.

Fast adaptive control is a critical component for reliable robot autonomy in rapidly changing operational conditions. While a robot dynamics model may be obtained from first principles or learned from data, updating its parameters is often too slow for online adaptation to environment changes. This motivates the use of machine learning techniques to learn disturbance descriptors from trajectory data offline as well as the design of adaptive control to estimate and compensate the disturbances online. This paper develops adaptive geometric control for rigid-body systems, such as ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles, that satisfy Hamilton's equations of motion over the SE(3) manifold. Our design consists of an offline system identification stage, followed by an online adaptive control stage. In the first stage, we learn a Hamiltonian model of the system dynamics using a neural ordinary differential equation (ODE) network trained from state-control trajectory data with different disturbance realizations. The disturbances are modeled as a linear combination of nonlinear descriptors. In the second stage, we design a trajectory tracking controller with disturbance compensation from an energy-based perspective. An adaptive control law is employed to adjust the disturbance model online proportional to the geometric tracking errors on the SE(3) manifold. We verify our adaptive geometric controller for trajectory tracking on a fully-actuated pendulum and an under-actuated quadrotor.


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