LeafAI: query generator for clinical cohort discovery rivaling a human programmer

by   Nicholas J. Dobbins, et al.

Objective: Identifying study-eligible patients within clinical databases is a critical step in clinical research. However, accurate query design typically requires extensive technical and biomedical expertise. We sought to create a system capable of generating data model-agnostic queries while also providing novel logical reasoning capabilities for complex clinical trial eligibility criteria. Materials and Methods: The task of query creation from eligibility criteria requires solving several text-processing problems, including named entity recognition and relation extraction, sequence-to-sequence transformation, normalization, and reasoning. We incorporated hybrid deep learning and rule-based modules for these, as well as a knowledge base of the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) and linked ontologies. To enable data-model agnostic query creation, we introduce a novel method for tagging database schema elements using UMLS concepts. To evaluate our system, called LeafAI, we compared the capability of LeafAI to a human database programmer to identify patients who had been enrolled in 8 clinical trials conducted at our institution. We measured performance by the number of actual enrolled patients matched by generated queries. Results: LeafAI matched a mean 43 across 8 clinical trials, compared to 27 queries by a human database programmer. The human programmer spent 26 total hours crafting queries compared to several minutes by LeafAI. Conclusions: Our work contributes a state-of-the-art data model-agnostic query generation system capable of conditional reasoning using a knowledge base. We demonstrate that LeafAI can rival a human programmer in finding patients eligible for clinical trials.


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