Latent Variable Modeling with Diversity-Inducing Mutual Angular Regularization

by   Pengtao Xie, et al.

Latent Variable Models (LVMs) are a large family of machine learning models providing a principled and effective way to extract underlying patterns, structure and knowledge from observed data. Due to the dramatic growth of volume and complexity of data, several new challenges have emerged and cannot be effectively addressed by existing LVMs: (1) How to capture long-tail patterns that carry crucial information when the popularity of patterns is distributed in a power-law fashion? (2) How to reduce model complexity and computational cost without compromising the modeling power of LVMs? (3) How to improve the interpretability and reduce the redundancy of discovered patterns? To addresses the three challenges discussed above, we develop a novel regularization technique for LVMs, which controls the geometry of the latent space during learning to enable the learned latent components of LVMs to be diverse in the sense that they are favored to be mutually different from each other, to accomplish long-tail coverage, low redundancy, and better interpretability. We propose a mutual angular regularizer (MAR) to encourage the components in LVMs to have larger mutual angles. The MAR is non-convex and non-smooth, entailing great challenges for optimization. To cope with this issue, we derive a smooth lower bound of the MAR and optimize the lower bound instead. We show that the monotonicity of the lower bound is closely aligned with the MAR to qualify the lower bound as a desirable surrogate of the MAR. Using neural network (NN) as an instance, we analyze how the MAR affects the generalization performance of NN. On two popular latent variable models --- restricted Boltzmann machine and distance metric learning, we demonstrate that MAR can effectively capture long-tail patterns, reduce model complexity without sacrificing expressivity and improve interpretability.


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