Latent Magic: An Investigation into Adversarial Examples Crafted in the Semantic Latent Space

by   BoYang Zheng, et al.

Adversarial attacks against Deep Neural Networks(DNN) have been a crutial topic ever since <cit.> purposed the vulnerability of DNNs. However, most prior works craft adversarial examples in the pixel space, following the l_p norm constraint. In this paper, we give intuitional explain about why crafting adversarial examples in the latent space is equally efficient and important. We purpose a framework for crafting adversarial examples in semantic latent space based on an pre-trained Variational Auto Encoder from state-of-art Stable Diffusion Model<cit.>. We also show that adversarial examples crafted in the latent space can also achieve a high level of fool rate. However, examples crafted from latent space are often hard to evaluated, as they doesn't follow a certain l_p norm constraint, which is a big challenge for existing researches. To efficiently and accurately evaluate the adversarial examples crafted in the latent space, we purpose a novel evaluation matric based on SSIM<cit.> loss and fool rate.Additionally, we explain why FID<cit.> is not suitable for measuring such adversarial examples. To the best of our knowledge, it's the first evaluation metrics that is specifically designed to evaluate the quality of a adversarial attack. We also investigate the transferability of adversarial examples crafted in the latent space and show that they have superiority over adversarial examples crafted in the pixel space.


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