Large-scale estimation of parking requirements for autonomous mobility on demand systems

by   Dániel Kondor, et al.

Cities everywhere are anticipating new mobility technologies to help solve issues with congestion and pollution while providing afforable, accessible, reliable and convenient transportation for growing populations. The adoption of self-driving vehicles is projected to happen soon and help with achieving these goals, especially if part of a shared mobility on demand service. Potential benefits of such a system include a reduction of the number of vehicles and freeing up parking spaces, while challenges still include managing the traffic volume. Previous research focused on estimating fleet size in different scenarios. In this work, we focus on estimating minimum fleet size, parking needs and total travel distance for an autonomous mobility on demand solution serving all trips made in private vehicles in Singapore, generated from a comprehensive simulation of the city's mobility. We specifically focus on parking demand as currently a significant amount of space has to be designated as parking in cities, which is poised to become obsolate if people switch from private vehicles to shared ones which are utilized much more efficiently. We show that over 85 be achieved while serving all trips made currently in private vehicles. We further show that potential increased traffic volume can be mitigated with the incorporation of ride-sharing, while offering even higher savings, up to 92 both fleet size and parking needs.


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