Large Language Models in Introductory Programming Education: ChatGPT's Performance and Implications for Assessments

by   Natalie Kiesler, et al.

This paper investigates the performance of the Large Language Models (LLMs) ChatGPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in solving introductory programming tasks. Based on the performance, implications for didactic scenarios and assessment formats utilizing LLMs are derived. For the analysis, 72 Python tasks for novice programmers were selected from the free site CodingBat. Full task descriptions were used as input to the LLMs, while the generated replies were evaluated using CodingBat's unit tests. In addition, the general availability of textual explanations and program code was analyzed. The results show high scores of 94.4 to 95.8 explanations and program code, which opens new ways to incorporate LLMs into programming education and assessment.


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