Large Language Models as Batteries-Included Zero-Shot ESCO Skills Matchers

by   Benjamin Clavié, et al.

Understanding labour market dynamics requires accurately identifying the skills required for and possessed by the workforce. Automation techniques are increasingly being developed to support this effort. However, automatically extracting skills from job postings is challenging due to the vast number of existing skills. The ESCO (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations) framework provides a useful reference, listing over 13,000 individual skills. However, skills extraction remains difficult and accurately matching job posts to the ESCO taxonomy is an open problem. In this work, we propose an end-to-end zero-shot system for skills extraction from job descriptions based on large language models (LLMs). We generate synthetic training data for the entirety of ESCO skills and train a classifier to extract skill mentions from job posts. We also employ a similarity retriever to generate skill candidates which are then re-ranked using a second LLM. Using synthetic data achieves an RP@10 score 10 points higher than previous distant supervision approaches. Adding GPT-4 re-ranking improves RP@10 by over 22 points over previous methods. We also show that Framing the task as mock programming when prompting the LLM can lead to better performance than natural language prompts, especially with weaker LLMs. We demonstrate the potential of integrating large language models at both ends of skills matching pipelines. Our approach requires no human annotations and achieve extremely promising results on skills extraction against ESCO.


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