Knowledge-Aware Conversational Semantic Parsing Over Web Tables

by   Yibo Sun, et al.

Conversational semantic parsing over tables requires knowledge acquiring and reasoning abilities, which have not been well explored by current state-of-the-art approaches. Motivated by this fact, we propose a knowledge-aware semantic parser to improve parsing performance by integrating various types of knowledge. In this paper, we consider three types of knowledge, including grammar knowledge, expert knowledge, and external resource knowledge. First, grammar knowledge empowers the model to effectively replicate previously generated logical form, which effectively handles the co-reference and ellipsis phenomena in conversation Second, based on expert knowledge, we propose a decomposable model, which is more controllable compared with traditional end-to-end models that put all the burdens of learning on trial-and-error in an end-to-end way. Third, external resource knowledge, i.e., provided by a pre-trained language model or an entity typing model, is used to improve the representation of question and table for a better semantic understanding. We conduct experiments on the SequentialQA dataset. Results show that our knowledge-aware model outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches. Incremental experimental results also prove the usefulness of various knowledge. Further analysis shows that our approach has the ability to derive the meaning representation of a context-dependent utterance by leveraging previously generated outcomes.


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