Kernel Task-Driven Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Dictionary learning algorithms have been successfully used in both reconstructive and discriminative tasks, where the input signal is represented by a linear combination of a few dictionary atoms. While these methods are usually developed under ℓ_1 sparsity constrain (prior) in the input domain, recent studies have demonstrated the advantages of sparse representation using structured sparsity priors in the kernel domain. In this paper, we propose a supervised dictionary learning algorithm in the kernel domain for hyperspectral image classification. In the proposed formulation, the dictionary and classifier are obtained jointly for optimal classification performance. The supervised formulation is task-driven and provides learned features from the hyperspectral data that are well suited for the classification task. Moreover, the proposed algorithm uses a joint (ℓ_12) sparsity prior to enforce collaboration among the neighboring pixels. The simulation results illustrate the efficiency of the proposed dictionary learning algorithm.