Keep the Caption Information: Preventing Shortcut Learning in Contrastive Image-Caption Retrieval

by   Maurits Bleeker, et al.

To train image-caption retrieval (ICR) methods, contrastive loss functions are a common choice for optimization functions. Unfortunately, contrastive ICR methods are vulnerable to learning shortcuts: decision rules that perform well on the training data but fail to transfer to other testing conditions. We introduce an approach to reduce shortcut feature representations for the ICR task: latent target decoding (LTD). We add an additional decoder to the learning framework to reconstruct the input caption, which prevents the image and caption encoder from learning shortcut features. Instead of reconstructing input captions in the input space, we decode the semantics of the caption in a latent space. We implement the LTD objective as an optimization constraint, to ensure that the reconstruction loss is below a threshold value while primarily optimizing for the contrastive loss. Importantly, LTD does not depend on additional training data or expensive (hard) negative mining strategies. Our experiments show that, unlike reconstructing the input caption, LTD reduces shortcut learning and improves generalizability by obtaining higher recall@k and r-precision scores. Additionally, we show that the evaluation scores benefit from implementing LTD as an optimization constraint instead of a dual loss.


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