JQF: Optimal JPEG Quantization Table Fusion by Simulated Annealing on Texture Images and Predicting Textures

by   Chen-Hsiu Huang, et al.

JPEG has been a widely used lossy image compression codec for nearly three decades. The JPEG standard allows to use customized quantization table; however, it's still a challenging problem to find an optimal quantization table within acceptable computational cost. This work tries to solve the dilemma of balancing between computational cost and image specific optimality by introducing a new concept of texture mosaic images. Instead of optimizing a single image or a collection of representative images, the simulated annealing technique is applied to texture mosaic images to search for an optimal quantization table for each texture category. We use pre-trained VGG-16 CNN model to learn those texture features and predict the new image's texture distribution, then fuse optimal texture tables to come out with an image specific optimal quantization table. On the Kodak dataset with the quality setting Q=95, our experiment shows a size reduction of 23.5 standard table with a slightly 0.35 unperceivable. The proposed JQF method achieves per image optimality for JPEG encoding with less than one second additional timing cost. The online demo is available at https://matthorn.s3.amazonaws.com/JQF/qtbl_vis.html


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