Iterative Loop Learning Combining Self-Training and Active Learning for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation

by   Licong Guan, et al.

Recently, self-training and active learning have been proposed to alleviate this problem. Self-training can improve model accuracy with massive unlabeled data, but some pseudo labels containing noise would be generated with limited or imbalanced training data. And there will be suboptimal models if human guidance is absent. Active learning can select more effective data to intervene, while the model accuracy can not be improved because the massive unlabeled data are not used. And the probability of querying sub-optimal samples will increase when the domain difference is too large, increasing annotation cost. This paper proposes an iterative loop learning method combining Self-Training and Active Learning (STAL) for domain adaptive semantic segmentation. The method first uses self-training to learn massive unlabeled data to improve model accuracy and provide more accurate selection models for active learning. Secondly, combined with the sample selection strategy of active learning, manual intervention is used to correct the self-training learning. Iterative loop to achieve the best performance with minimal label cost. Extensive experiments show that our method establishes state-of-the-art performance on tasks of GTAV to Cityscapes, SYNTHIA to Cityscapes, improving by 4.9 Code will be available.


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