IoT Based Smart Attendance System Using Rfid: A Systematic Literature Review
The use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is ubiquitous in a number of businesses and sectors, including retail sales, smart cities, agriculture, and transportation. Additionally, educational institutions have started using RFID to track student attendance, combining this technology with Google Sheets and the Internet of Things (IoT) to build a real-time attendance tracking system. For a thorough examination of the creation of a student attendance system, this paper includes a systematic literature evaluation of 21 major research published on IoT based attendance systems employing RFID. This RFID-based attendance system enables automation, eliminating several problems connected with the manual process, such as time wasting, proxies, and the possibility of losing the attendance sheet, in contrast to the traditional attendance system, which depends on manual signatures. By creating a system that automatically registers students' attendance by merely flashing their student cards at the RFID reader, all the aforementioned difficulties may be successfully addressed. This automated method guarantees attendance monitoring accuracy and dependability while also saving time. This paper's conclusion highlights the significant advantages of implementing an IoT-based attendance system based on RFID technology. The suggested solution provides a trustworthy, efficient, and secure alternative to manual attendance techniques, successfully addressing their shortcomings. This paper offers helpful insights for institutions looking to create a cutting-edge attendance system that increases student involvement and academic achievement by looking at guiding principles, best practices, and the successful resolution of difficulties.