InvisibiliTee: Angle-agnostic Cloaking from Person-Tracking Systems with a Tee

by   Yaxian Li, et al.

After a survey for person-tracking system-induced privacy concerns, we propose a black-box adversarial attack method on state-of-the-art human detection models called InvisibiliTee. The method learns printable adversarial patterns for T-shirts that cloak wearers in the physical world in front of person-tracking systems. We design an angle-agnostic learning scheme which utilizes segmentation of the fashion dataset and a geometric warping process so the adversarial patterns generated are effective in fooling person detectors from all camera angles and for unseen black-box detection models. Empirical results in both digital and physical environments show that with the InvisibiliTee on, person-tracking systems' ability to detect the wearer drops significantly.


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