Intrusion Detection on Smartphones
Smartphone technology is more and more becoming the predominant communication tool for people across the world. People use their smartphones to keep their contact data, to browse the internet, to exchange messages, to keep notes, carry their personal files and documents, etc. Users while browsing are also capable of shopping online, thus provoking a need to type their credit card numbers and security codes. As the smartphones are becoming widespread so do the security threats and vulnerabilities facing this technology. Recent news and articles indicate huge increase in malware and viruses for operating systems employed on smartphones (primarily Android and iOS). Major limitations of smartphone technology are its processing power and its scarce energy source since smartphones rely on battery usage. Since smartphones are devices which change their network location as the user moves between different places, intrusion detection systems for smartphone technology are most often classified as IDSs designed for mobile ad-hoc networks. The aim of this research is to give a brief overview of IDS technology, give an overview of major machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms used in IDS technologies, give an overview of security models of iOS and Android and propose a new host-based IDS model for smartphones and create proof-of-concept application for Android platform for the newly proposed model. Keywords: IDS, SVM, Android, iOS;