Interpretations Cannot Be Trusted: Stealthy and Effective Adversarial Perturbations against Interpretable Deep Learning

by   Eldor Abdukhamidov, et al.

Deep learning methods have gained increased attention in various applications due to their outstanding performance. For exploring how this high performance relates to the proper use of data artifacts and the accurate problem formulation of a given task, interpretation models have become a crucial component in developing deep learning-based systems. Interpretation models enable the understanding of the inner workings of deep learning models and offer a sense of security in detecting the misuse of artifacts in the input data. Similar to prediction models, interpretation models are also susceptible to adversarial inputs. This work introduces two attacks, AdvEdge and AdvEdge^+, that deceive both the target deep learning model and the coupled interpretation model. We assess the effectiveness of proposed attacks against two deep learning model architectures coupled with four interpretation models that represent different categories of interpretation models. Our experiments include the attack implementation using various attack frameworks. We also explore the potential countermeasures against such attacks. Our analysis shows the effectiveness of our attacks in terms of deceiving the deep learning models and their interpreters, and highlights insights to improve and circumvent the attacks.


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