Internet of Things: System Reference Architecture

by   Milan Milenkovic, et al.

This document describes an IoT system reference architecture. It is a general system architecture in the sense that it embodies key system components, functions, and flows that are commonly encountered in IoT systems. Much of the existing literature on IoT system architecture covers either specific commercial solutions or abstract architecture descriptions that are conceptual but not readily reducible to practice. This paper describes a general, vendor-neutral architecture of the IoT system derived by abstracting the common requirements and features of a variety of system specifications and implementations. It covers architectural and design principles for constructing the core IoT system overlay, specifically functions and components involved in acquiring data, real-time processing, storage and delivery to applications and services, such as visualization and AI. The appendix outlines the principles of IoT information modeling and data and metadata handling. As a reference architecture, this document is meant to serve as a template and a starting blueprint for constructing specific IoT system solutions. The intent is to maintain this material as a living document and evolve it over time into a broader technical community consensus by incorporating and acknowledging the accumulated feedback and contributions. Direct comments and suggestions are invited now. More structured mechanisms of managing crowdsourcing and community collaboration are planned for implementation if warranted.


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