Internet of Things(IoT) Based Multilevel Drunken Driving Detection and Prevention System Using Raspberry Pi 3

by   Viswanatha V, et al.

In this paper, the proposed system has demonstrated three ways of detecting alcohol level in the body of the car driver and prevent car driver from driving the vehicle by turning off the ignition system. It also sends messages to concerned people. In order to detect breath alcohol level MQ-3 sensor is included in this module along with a heartbeat sensor which can detect the heart beat rate of driver, facial recognition using webcam MATLAB and a Wi-Fi module to send a message through the TCP/IP App, a Raspberry pi module to turn off the ignition and an alarm as prevention module. If a driver alcohol intake is more than the prescribed range, set by government the ignition will be made off provided either his heart beat abnormal or the driver is drowsy. In both the cases there will be a message sent to the App and from the App you can send it to family, friend, and well-wisher or nearest cop for the help. The system is developed considering the fact if driver is drunk and he needs a help, his friend can drive the car if he is not drunk. The safety of both the driver and the surroundings are aimed by this system and this aids in minimizing death cases by drunken driving and also burden on the cops.


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