Interference Impact on Decode-and-Forward Relay Networks with RIS-Assisted Source and Relays

by   Anas M. Salhab, et al.

In this letter, we consider the scenario of decode-and-forward relay network with reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-assisted source and relays in the presence of interference. We derive approximate closed-form expression for the system outage probability assuming Rayleigh fading channels and opportunistic relaying scheme. In addition, we study the system behavior at the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime, where the diversity order and coding gain are obtained and analyzed. The results show that the system can achieve a diversity order of Gd = min(N1,N2)K, where N1 and N2 are the numbers of reflecting elements at the source and relays, respectively, and K is the number of relays. In addition, findings illustrate that for the same diversity order, utilizing one relay with multiple reflecting elements gives better performance than utilizing multiple relays with a single reflecting element. Furthermore, findings illustrate that the interference at the destination is more severe on the system performance than the interference at the relays. Therefore, under the same interference powers and for a fixed number of relays K, results show that the case where the first hop is dominating the performance N1 < N2 gives better results in terms of coding gain than the case where N2 < N1.


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