Inside-Outside Net: Detecting Objects in Context with Skip Pooling and Recurrent Neural Networks
It is well known that contextual and multi-scale representations are important for accurate visual recognition. In this paper we present the Inside-Outside Net (ION), an object detector that exploits information both inside and outside the region of interest. Contextual information outside the region of interest is integrated using spatial recurrent neural networks. Inside, we use skip pooling to extract information at multiple scales and levels of abstraction. Through extensive experiments we evaluate the design space and provide readers with an overview of what tricks of the trade are important. ION improves state-of-the-art on PASCAL VOC 2012 object detection from 73.9 improve state-of-art-the from 19.7 Challenge, our ION model won the Best Student Entry and finished 3rd place overall. As intuition suggests, our detection results provide strong evidence that context and multi-scale representations improve small object detection.