Information Security Risks Assessment: A Case Study
Owing to recorded incidents of Information technology inclined organisations failing to respond effectively to threat incidents, this project outlines the benefits of conducting a comprehensive risk assessment which would aid proficiency in responding to potential threats. The ultimate goal is primarily to identify, quantify and control the key threats that are detrimental to achieving business objectives. This project carries out a detailed risk assessment for a case study organisation. It includes a comprehensive literature review analysing several professional views on pressing issues in Information security. In the risk register, five prominent assets were identified in respect to their owners. The work is followed by a qualitative analysis methodology to determine the magnitude of the potential threats and vulnerabilities. Collating these parameters enabled the valuation of individual risk per asset, per threat and vulnerability. Evaluating a risk appetite aided in prioritising and determining acceptable risks. From the analysis, it was deduced that human being posed the greatest Information security risk through intentional/ unintentional human error. In conclusion, effective control techniques based on defence in-depth were devised to mitigate the impact of the identified risks from risk register.