InfoGAN-CR: Disentangling Generative Adversarial Networks with Contrastive Regularizers
Training disentangled representations with generative adversarial networks (GANs) remains challenging, with leading implementations failing to achieve comparable performance to Variational Autoencoder (VAE)-based methods. After β-VAE and FactorVAE discovered that regularizing the total correlation of the latent vectors promotes disentanglement, numerous VAE-based methods emerged. Such a discovery has yet to be made for GANs, and reported disentanglement scores of GAN-based methods are significantly inferior to VAE-based methods on benchmark datasets. To this end, we propose a novel regularizer that achieves higher disentanglement scores than state-of-the-art VAE- and GAN-based approaches. The proposed contrastive regularizer is inspired by a natural notion of disentanglement: latent traversal. Latent traversal refers to generating images by varying one latent code while fixing the rest. We turn this intuition into a regularizer by adding a discriminator that detects how the latent codes are coupled together, in paired examples. Numerical experiments show that this approach improves upon competing state-of-the-art approaches on benchmark datasets.