Inference with Discriminative Posterior
We study Bayesian discriminative inference given a model family p(c,, θ) that is assumed to contain all our prior information but still known to be incorrect. This falls in between "standard" Bayesian generative modeling and Bayesian regression, where the margin p(,θ) is known to be uninformative about p(c|,θ). We give an axiomatic proof that discriminative posterior is consistent for conditional inference; using the discriminative posterior is standard practice in classical Bayesian regression, but we show that it is theoretically justified for model families of joint densities as well. A practical benefit compared to Bayesian regression is that the standard methods of handling missing values in generative modeling can be extended into discriminative inference, which is useful if the amount of data is small. Compared to standard generative modeling, discriminative posterior results in better conditional inference if the model family is incorrect. If the model family contains also the true model, the discriminative posterior gives the same result as standard Bayesian generative modeling. Practical computation is done with Markov chain Monte Carlo.