Inference on function-valued parameters using a restricted score test
It is often of interest to make inference on an unknown function that is a local parameter of the data-generating mechanism, such as a density or regression function. Such estimands can typically only be estimated at a slower-than-parametric rate in nonparametric and semiparametric models, and performing calibrated inference can be challenging. In many cases, these estimands can be expressed as the minimizer of a population risk functional. Here, we propose a general framework that leverages such representation and provides a nonparametric extension of the score test for inference on an infinite-dimensional risk minimizer. We demonstrate that our framework is applicable in a wide variety of problems. As both analytic and computational examples, we describe how to use our general approach for inference on a mean regression function under (i) nonparametric and (ii) partially additive models, and evaluate the operating characteristics of the resulting procedures via simulations.