Inference-InfoGAN: Inference Independence via Embedding Orthogonal Basis Expansion

by   Hongxiang Jiang, et al.

Disentanglement learning aims to construct independent and interpretable latent variables in which generative models are a popular strategy. InfoGAN is a classic method via maximizing Mutual Information (MI) to obtain interpretable latent variables mapped to the target space. However, it did not emphasize independent characteristic. To explicitly infer latent variables with inter-independence, we propose a novel GAN-based disentanglement framework via embedding Orthogonal Basis Expansion (OBE) into InfoGAN network (Inference-InfoGAN) in an unsupervised way. Under the OBE module, one set of orthogonal basis can be adaptively found to expand arbitrary data with independence property. To ensure the target-wise interpretable representation, we add a consistence constraint between the expansion coefficients and latent variables on the base of MI maximization. Additionally, we design an alternating optimization step on the consistence constraint and orthogonal requirement updating, so that the training of Inference-InfoGAN can be more convenient. Finally, experiments validate that our proposed OBE module obtains adaptive orthogonal basis, which can express better independent characteristics than fixed basis expression of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). To depict the performance in downstream tasks, we compared with the state-of-the-art GAN-based and even VAE-based approaches on different datasets. Our Inference-InfoGAN achieves higher disentanglement score in terms of FactorVAE, Separated Attribute Predictability (SAP), Mutual Information Gap (MIG) and Variation Predictability (VP) metrics without model fine-tuning. All the experimental results illustrate that our method has inter-independence inference ability because of the OBE module, and provides a good trade-off between it and target-wise interpretability of latent variables via jointing the alternating optimization.


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