In-Bed Pose Estimation: Deep Learning with Shallow Dataset

by   Shuangjun Liu, et al.

Although human pose estimation for various computer vision (CV) applications has been studied extensively in the last few decades, yet in-bed pose estimation using camera-based vision methods has been ignored by the CV community because it is assumed to be identical to the general purpose pose estimation methods. However, in-bed pose estimation has its own specialized aspects and comes with specific challenges including the notable differences in lighting conditions throughout a day and also having different pose distribution from the common human surveillance viewpoint. In this paper, we demonstrate that these challenges significantly lessen the effectiveness of existing general purpose pose estimation models. In order to address the lighting variation challenge, infrared selective (IRS) image acquisition technique is proposed to provide uniform quality data under various lighting conditions. Deep learning framework proves to be the most effective model in human pose estimation, however the lack of large public dataset for in-bed poses prevents us from using a large network from scratch. In this work, we explored the idea of employing a pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN) model trained on large public datasets of general human poses and fine-tuning the model using our own shallow (limited in size and different in perspective and color) in-bed IRS dataset. We developed an IRS imaging system and collected IRS image data from several realistic life-size mannequins in a simulated hospital room environment. A pre-trained CNN called convolutional pose machine (CPM) was repurposed for in-bed pose estimation by fine-tuning its specific intermediate layers. Using the HOG rectification method, the pose estimation performance of CPM significantly improved by 26.4 to the model without such rectification.


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